Do you see what I see?
It seems to be the nature of the human condition to have a limited skewed perception of reality, of other human beings and of ourselves. Our mind quickly grabs on to a way of looking at things and then locks into a judgment about it: “The world is going to pot!” “He’s full of himself” “I can’t trust her” etc.
Of course our perception and insight are crucial to us. We rely on it to navigate our life journey and survive.
But part of evolutionary leap today as humans on this planet invites us to observe and even scrutinize all of the perceptions and narratives swimming in our head at any given time with equanimity. It is vital for our personal and collective expansion that we ask with each of perceptions and narratives of reality, of others and of ourselves : “is that so?” “Where would o be without it?”
It is not about judging and suppressing our perceptions and narratives. It is about putting the gear into neutral and having a little bit of distance from them. I can hold that perception while at the same time recognize that it may not be true or may be limited.
And then there are moments when somehow miraculously we are able to see reality, others or ourselves with eyes of the divine. It is a flash and suddenly and I am led into the majesty of another, of myself, of reality far beyond my usual myopic lens. WE ALL NEED TO BE SEEN LIKE THIS!!!!
I reflect upon myself right now.
-Have I yet discovered an ability to step back from my various judgments about myself, about others about life and look at them with a certain curiosity and even skepticism? I describe what I observe about myself regarding having some equanimity with regard to my perceptions?
-What do I sense would help me in finding some neutrality regarding all the narratives in my head?
-Have I had a moment ( or moments) when the skies parted and I was able to see myself, others or a part of life with eyes of an angel? If so I describe them
-What can I do to nurture this mystical gaze?